Altin Sencalar | Desnudo | Single

Altin Sencalar | Desnudo | Single

“Desnudo,” is an original composition by Altin dedicated to his late grandfather, John Fernando Garcia. “At his funeral,” Altin recalls, “an accordion player performed a version of “Un Puna de Tierra,” which translates to a “A Fistful of Dirt,” which symbolizes what we leave with when life is over.” Inspired by emotion and the ideas of “Un Puna de Tierra,” Altin composed “Desnudo,” which translates to “naked,” “uncovered,” “bare,” or “minimal.” This piece has three central elements: a continuous bassline that carries throughout the melodies, a similarly consistent drum pattern, and “the most fundamental form of music - the blues.” The minimalist approach present in this song is a direct way Altin chooses to pay honor to his grandfather.

Desnudo Single Artwork (Single).jpg

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